Anastasiia Kurova. Influence of Time Perspective on Main Components of Self-Efficacy.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 92-97. Odessa.


Anastasiia Kurova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
senior lecturer, Department of Sociology and Psychology,
National University “Odessa Law Academy”,
2, Akademichna Str., Odesa, Ukraine



In spite of the important role of self-efficacy in human life, the issue of theoretical and empirical research of this concept is still understudied nowadays. Personal focus on learning and fulfillment of ones’ inner resources and possibilities determines the self-efficacy of a personality. The development of self-efficacy is very important, that is why the people should believe in the effectiveness of their personalities. The paper aims to analyze the results of the empirical research of the influence of time perspectives on the main components of self-efficacy. The sample included 110 students of the Faculty of Psychology of National University “Odessa Law Academy”. The following research techniques were used in the study: Self-Efficacy Test modified by A. Boyaryntseva and R. Krychevskyi, The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, Aspirations Index by E.L. Deci, R. M. Ryan, Self-Assessment of Ontogenetic Reflection by M. P. Fetiskin. The temporal orientation of a personality is connected with the features of the components of selfefficacy. Thus, the respondents, focused on the present and past, demonstrate more courage in the appreciation of the probability to achieve “spiritual” success. They proved to be much more successful, focused and persistent in the achievement of material, social and personal benefits. On the contrary, the respondents focused on the future perceive the life as a process of gaining experience, a process of struggle for the new knowledge and the right to influence the final result of their own activity. Besides, the respondents, focused on the present and past, have shown the ability for reflection about their own past in order to analyze and understand the mistakes and to gain the experience.


personality, self-efficacy, interpersonal communication, level of the ontogenetic reflection, time perspective of a personality.




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