Yurii Maksimenko, Lyudmila Matohnyuk. Research Bases of Personality’s Information Competency in Developmental Psychology.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 76-85. Odessa.


Yurii Maksimenko,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after k. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
Lyudmila Matohnyuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Public Higher Educational Institution “Vynnytsia Academy of Continuous Education”,
13, Hrushevskiy Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine



The urgency of the formation of personality’s information competence is determined by rapid development of the information society. This is due to the introduction of computer and information technology, its application in everyday life and professional activities of people. The key competencies which students have to master are as follows: communication skills in a state language; basic competences in natural sciences and technologies; information and digital competence; the ability to learn throughout life; communication skills in foreign languages; mathematical competence; initiative and entrepreneurship; awareness and expression in the field of culture; environmental literacy; social and civil competencies. Summarizing the methodological achievements of domestic psychology, there have been analyzed the basic principles of personal development by O. Tkachenko – the principle of determinism, the principle of reflection, the principle of unity of the psyche and activity, the principle of mental development, the systemic and structural principle. On the basis of theoretical analysis of literature, there have been also analyzed the principles by V. Rybalko: the principle of objectivity of psychological research, the multidimensional and multileveled existence of the subject of psychology, the study of psychic phenomena in dynamics, creative activities, organization of developing and forming psychological influences. The theoretical analysis of basic principles of scientific psychology, which was founded by S. Rubinshtein and generalized in the works of I. Manoha has been conducted in the paper. Based on scientific literature review the vector of the main principles was purposefully shifted to the direction of informational competence of personality. It includes the principle of objectivity of psychological researching, the existence of a multiform and varied object of psychology, the principle of discovery of psychological phenomena in dynamics, the principle of selfrealization of a personality, organization of developing and forming psychological impacts.


information society, methodological principles, information competence of the individual, personality development, main concepts.




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