Oksana Zhernovnykova, Liudmyla Shtefan, Vasyl Fazan. Forming Future Mathematics Teachers’ Instructional Design Skills.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 74-81. Odessa.


Oksana Zhernovnykova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor, professor of the Department of Mathematics,
Liudmyla Shtefan,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Head of the Department of History of Education and Comparative Pedagogy,
H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
Vasyl Fazan,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
professor of the Department of General Pedagogy and Andragogy,
Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University,
2, Ostrohradskoho Str., Poltava, Ukraine



The paper deals with modern approaches to the definition of the essence of developing future Mathematics teachers’ instructional design skills. According to the research hypothesis the formation of such skills will contribute to the proper design of the educational process in line with the Conception of the New Ukrainian School. There have been distinguished the following components of instructional design skills formation: motivational (motivation for instructional design), cognitive (knowledge necessary for the efficient instructional design and acquisition of designing abilities and skills, which provide the optimization of the educational process), activity and reflexive (skills of educational process organization, focused on the assessment of future Mathematics teachers’ instructional design skills). The experiment involved 212 students of the 3rd – 6 th years of study. At the initial stage of the experiment the respondents were interviewed and suggested to fill in the questionnaire. According to the research outcomes, they had the low level of skills according to all indicators. After that the group of students was subdivided into experimental and control subgroups. In the experimental group, the students were taught according to the technique of instructional design skills formation. The control group students were taught according to traditional methods. In the process of teaching General Pedagogy, Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education to the experimental group students, problematic questions that intensified cognitive activity of students; the tasks of identifying intellectual feelings (surprise, doubt, interest); provocative statements method (planned mistakes); method of educational discussions; role-playing, etc. were used. The research results have shown that the levels of the respondents’ instructional design skills in both groups have increased but the experimental group students were characterized by the higher indicators which means that the suggested technique can improve and develop the respective skills in students.


future teachers, Mathematics, university, training, instructional design, skills.




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