Valeriia Borshchenko. Future Teachers’ Skills of Organization and Implementation of Health Saving Activities at Primary School.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 58-65. Odessa.


Valeriia Borshchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Biology and Foundations of Health,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article considers the necessity of teaching students of pedagogical fields how to organize and implement health saving activities at elementary school. The research aims to determine the essence of health saving activities of primary school teachers, to assess future primary school teachers’ (students of the faculty of elementary education) knowledge of the components of health, attitude to their own health, their health saving skills in terms of work with junior pupils. The following research methods were used to assess the level of their knowledge in this field: Professional Motivation Scale by K. Zamfir modified by A. Rean, Pedagogical Communication Efficiency Modified questionnaire by O. Leontiev, Volitional Qualities Scale by O. Vostrikov, Professional and Psychological Moral Qualities Expression Scale by N. Kuzmina, Communicative Tolerance Scale by V. Boiko, Emotional Maturity Scale by O. Chebykin, etc. The experiment involved 120 students studying at the Faculty of Primary Education of Ushynsky University. The level of future primary school teachers health saving skills was determined according to motivational-cognitive (indicators: motivation for the implementation of health saving activities with junior school students, knowledge of health saving activities, healthcare methods), organizational and activity (indicators: communicative, organizational skills, moral and volitional qualities), personal (indicators: tolerance, empathy, emotional selfregulation skills), evaluative-analytical (indicators: attitude to health, ability to analyze one’s own activities and activity of junior pupils, ability to monitor the health of junior pupils). As a result of the assessment, it has been found that most students have poor knowledge of the organization of healthcare activities at primary school, cannot use healthcare-saving techniques necessary for health-saving activities in terms of work with junior school students. It requires purposeful work on their theoretical, practical and methodical training to develop their skills of organization and implementation of healthcare activities at elementary school. To this end, an experimental work was carried out with the respondents aimed at raising their levels of health-saving skills consisting of three stages (theoretical-informational, practical-oriented, health-correctional), which has positively affected the level of their respective knowledge and skills.


 future teachers, junior schoolchildren, health saving activity, criteria and indicators of students’ skills of health saving activities implementation at primary school.




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