Svitlana Bodnar. Characterization of Speech Material According to the Essence of Compressive Method of Intensive Foreign Languages Teaching.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 24-31. Odessa.


Svitlana Bodnar,
PhD (Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
Head of Foreign Languages Department, professor,
Odessa Institute of Trade and Economics,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics,
6, 25th Chapaev Division Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The article describes the characteristics of the speech material according to the methodological essence of the compressive method of intensive foreign languages teaching. Today, knowledge of foreign languages is one of the conditions for successful contacts of Ukrainians with the representatives of foreign states at both the everyday and professional levels. And most people aspire to master foreign language skills qualitatively and as quickly as possible. That is why intensive teaching methods are in the focus of many researchers nowadays. In the article, the existing intensive teaching methods are considered, their advantages and disadvantages are determined. The compressive method of intensive teaching foreign languages, introduced by prof. R. Martynova, is described in details. The aim of this work is to analyze the specificity of the speech material in accordance with the essence of the compressive method of intensive teaching English and to substantiate the possibility of its significant expansion on the basis of the introduction of linguistic material in its compressed form. The linguistic features of the English-language speech material in the light of the requirements of the compressive method have been analyzed. The semantic, structural and language aspects have been highlighted. The examples of texts and recommendations how to work with them have been presented. The effectiveness of the formation of skills of structural variation of speech based on the analyzed speech material which increases from text to text, both in volume, and in the content has been investigated.


 intensive teaching methods, compressive method of intensive teaching foreign languages, characteristics of speech material, semantic aspect, structural aspect, linguistic aspect, assessment of language material mastering.




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