Pedagogy Students’ Professional Competence Formation

(2017) Science and education, 10, 188-193. Odessa.


Alla Kramarenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, head of the Department of Primary education,
Berdiansk State Pedagogical University,
4, Shmidta Str., Berdiansk, Ukraine,
Olena Horbenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Music and Instrumental Disciplines,
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University,
1, Shevchenka Str., Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine,
Ivan Syladii,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education,
Kossuth square, 6, Beregszász, Transcarpathia, Ukraine



The paper deals with the ways of future teacher’ professional competence formation, which is of the key importance in the complex integrative structure of teaching activity. In teaching practice, the issue of forming professional competence of a future teacher is actualized as a structural component of the general educational paradigm, the main purpose of which is the formation of a future specialist’ ability for independent designing and creative solution of professional tasks under various conditions. The following basic criteria for the formation of professional competence of future teachers have been distinguished: motivational (motives, interests, values orientations, guidelines, needs); cognitiveknowledge (knowledge, intelligence, erudition); operational (skills, ways of activity, professional-significant personal qualities: tolerance, empathy, flexibility of thinking, volitional sphere); creative (planning, forecasting, designing, creative activity); reflexive (self-consciousness, assessment, self-esteem, reflection), which are interconnected. The maturity of professional competence of future specialists is distinguished according to the following levels: high (creative), sufficient (normative), average (imitative), low (indifferent). The experimental technique of future teachers’ professional competence formation is presented in the paper, whose efficiency has been proved involving 317 students.


professional competence, organizational-methodical system, pedagogical conditions, integratedintegration technology, future teacher.




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