Formation of Beliefs about Moral Qualities and Standards in Senior Preschoolers by Means of Animated Cartoons

(2017) Science and education, 10, 170-175. Odessa.


Valentyna Kushnir,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Preschool Education,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
28, Sadova Str., Uman, Ukraine,
Ruslan Sopivnyk,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor, Department of Pedagogy,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
15, Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
Dr. Ireneusz Pyrzyk,
professor, Cuiavian University in Włocławek,
1, Pl. Wolności Włocławek, Poland



The paper deals with the formation of ideas about moral qualities (good – evil, generosity – greed, justice – injustice, honesty, decency – meanness) in children of senior preschool age by means animated cartoons. The following main criteria for the selection of cartoons as a means of moral education have been distinguished: the quality of the video (the brightness of the pictures, the harmony of colors, etc.), the quality of the video (the vocabulary should meet the requirements of the literary language, etc.), the simplicity and accessibility of the plot; expressiveness of characters; the presence of a moral issue in the film. The designed experimental technique of pedagogical support for watching cartoons in order to form ideas about moral qualities and norms in senior preschoolers involves the following steps: preparatory (organization of the development environment, selection of cartoons for watching); cognitive (structured work with a cartoon); reflexive (work on the moral and sensory sphere of the child, creating conditions for reflection). In order to check the efficiency of the designed technique there has been conducted an experiment involving 30 preschool children who were randomly divided into 2 groups: experimental (EG) and control (CG), 15 members each. According to the results of the assessment before implementing the technique, only, 8.5% of the respondents in the EG, and 8.2% of the CG had a high level of maturity of beliefs about moral qualities according to the moral criterion. After the implementation of the technique in the EG some differences could be noticed, namely, in older preschoolers of the experimental group, unlike preschoolers in the control group, higher indices of maturity of believes about such moral qualities as good – evil, generosity – greed, justice – injustice, honesty, decency – meanness could be observed. These children significantly expanded their beliefs about moral qualities, learned to characterize their features, compare them with the actions of cartoon heroes and their own behavior.


representation of moral qualities, senior preschoolers, animated cartoon, moral qualities, beliefs.




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