Liudmyla Nikolenko. Forming Auditory Comprehension of Preschoolers with Backwardness in Speech Development By Means of Psycholingistic Game.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 147-153. Odessa.


Liudmyla Nikolenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University,
72, Haharina Avenue, Dnipro, Ukraine



The formation of auditory comprehension of preschool children is one of the most important tasks of speech therapy, since the failure of this component of phonemic awareness negatively affects the formation of pronunciation and the development of communication skills of a child. The paper presents the results of an experimental study aimed at assessing auditory comprehension of preschool children with backwardness in speech development and searching for the ways to improve it. The experiment involved 54 preschool children with backwardness in speech development attending the kindergarten in the city of Kryvyi Rih who were divided into control and experimental groups and suggested to perform 5 diagnostic tasks. According to the results of their performance, the necessity of the improvement of their auditory comprehension skills was obvious. There has been implemented a specially designed program based on the use of psycholinguistic games into the educational process of the experimental group. At the end of the experiment the reassessment of auditory comprehension was carried out in both groups. The research outcomes have shown that purposefully applied psycholinguistic games contribute to the formation of auditory comprehension of preschool children with backwardness in speech development.


auditory comprehension, formation, correction, children of middle preschool age, general underdevelopment of speech, psycholinguistic game, empirical research.




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