Natalia Nestoruk, Pavlo Chykunov. Optimization of the Technology of Mastering Competence Complex For Professional Activity of Electromechanical Engineers.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 133-138. Odessa.


Natalia Nestoruk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Electromechanics and Automation,
Industrial Institute of Donetsk National Technical University,
2, Shybankova Sq., Pokrovsk, Ukraine
Pavlo Chykunov,
PhD (Candidate of Technical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Electronics and Computer Technology in Control Systems,
Educational scientific professional pedagogical Institute
of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy,
5a, Mira Str., Bakhmut, Ukraine



Future professionals have poor knowledge of both hardware and its types, technology, organization and research, prefer reproductive activities, following their teachers’ instructions without understanding the purpose of certain actions of theory in practice. Based on the exploration of training future electromechanical engineers it has been revealed that the students’ mastering of research skills requires the development of competence-focused teaching technologies and consideration of complex pedagogical conditions of its effective use. There has been designed a competence-focused technology which involves creating a single experimental environment within the complex of technical disciplines by unifying methodological tools (target benchmarks, principles and approaches), component characteristics of the learning process (subject-activity, functionalcontent, organizational-activity), as well as technological components (methods, means, conditions, etc.). It has been implemented in the educational process of the experimental group of students. The control group was taught according to the traditional system. As a result of the experiment it has been found that the experimental group students’ reseach skills have significantly improved as compared to the control group students, which is indicative of the efficiency of the designed technique


experimental research, skills-oriented, technology training, technical disciplines, electromechanical engineers.




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