Olha Soroka. Art-Therapeutic Technologies: are Future Primary School Teachers Ready to Use Them in Practice?

(2017) Science and education, 10, 111-117. Odessa.


Olha Soroka,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work,
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University,
10, Vynnychenka Str., Ternopil, Ukraine



The article is dedicated to the analysis of practical aspects of teaching future primary school teachers to use arttherapeutic technologies. It aims to demonstrate the results of an empirical research focused on the evaluation of future primary school teachers’ skills of using art-therapeutic technologies. The structure of the future primary school teachers’ skills of using of art-therapeutic technologies presented by motivational-valuable, contextual, processual and creative components and, accordingly, motivational, cognitive, operational and creative criteria has been developed. The procedural component of future primary school teachers’ readiness to use the art-therapeutic technologies in educational process is supposed to be the major. Its content is based on the acquisition of complex of art-therapeutic skills that will optimize the educational process in primary school. Future primary school teachers can demonstrate the creative, adequate, reproductive, low and initial levels of the procedural component maturity. Self-evaluation, expert evaluation and analysis of the results of students’ individual research tasks were used to evaluate the level of characterized component formation. Research results show that most students demonstrate elementary, low and reproductive levels of the diagnostic component. Two special courses have been developed aimed at the improvement of the students’ relevant skills.


art-therapeutic technologies, art-therapeutic technologies using; future primary school teachers’ readiness; procedural component of readiness; operational readiness criterion.




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