Tetiana Molnar, Mariia Lavrenova, Liubov Fenchak. Pedagogical Factors of Gifted Children’s Adaptation to the Educational Environment of Primary School.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 106-111. Odessa.


Tetiana Molnar,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Mariia Lavrenova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Liubov Fenchak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education,
Mukachevo State University,
26, Uzhhorodska Str., Mukachevo, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of gifted children’s adaptation to the educational environment of primary school. There have been distinguished 22 gifted children out of 430 according to the following signs of giftedness: cognitive activity and educational motivation, intelligence, creativity. The following types of giftedness have been identified: intellectual, academic (mathematical), artistic (musical, graphic, poetic) and psychomotor (dancing, sports). It has been found that a democratic style of communication contributes to the gifted children’s adaptation, a combination of democratic and authoritative styles leads to the lack of adaptation of children, and the authoritarian style of pedagogical communication causes maladaptation in gifted children. There is a necessity of psycho-pedagogical support of gifted children because the efficient development of adaptation processes in junior school age plays an important role for the formation of creative personality able to interact with the society.


 gifted children, school adaptation, non-adaptation, educational environment, primary school.




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