Viktor Kuzmin, Maria Kuzmina, Andrii Ivanchenko. Psychosocial Life Trajectories of Orphaned Individuals (Resurvey).

(2017) Science and education, 10, 95-100. Odessa.


Viktor Kuzmin,
PhD in Sociology, associate professor, academic secretary,
Maria Kuzmina,
post-graduate student,
Department of Social Work,
Andrii Ivanchenko,
PhD in Public Administration, associate professor, Department of Personnel
Management and Labor Economics,
Zaporizhzhia National Technical University,
64, Zhukovskoho Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of psychosocial trajectories of life of orphaned people or those who were deprived of parental care, in particular, the results of several experiments carried out at higher educational institutions of Zaporizhzhia are analyzed. The peculiarities of the legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of psychosocial support of such people are analyzed. Besides, the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists concerning psychosocial support of people who were orphans or deprived of parental care are investigated. The comparative analysis of the results of empirical research of life trajectories of orphaned people, who graduated from higher education institutions of Zaporizhzhia during 2001-2017, is presented. Some recommendations concerning the improvement of communication skills and socialization process of this category of people are suggested.


life strategy, psychosocial life trajectories, orphaned youth, youth deprived of parental care, psychological support.




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