(2017) Science and education, 1, 55-62. Odessa.
Liubov Kuzo,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Language Training,
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs,
26, Horodotska Str., Lviv, Ukraine
An important factor of person’s behavioral motivation is his/her temporal perspective. The proficiency of English as a foreign language is associated not only with the students’ efficiency or intellectual capacity but also depends on their academic motivation. The nature of the events that form the basis of students’ temporal perspective determine the direction and content of their activities in the academic studies, initiative, satisfaction with the studies, personal awareness of the importance of new knowledge. The aim of the study is to single out the differences of motivational characteristics of temporal perspective in groups of students who study English according to different curricula. In the research, positive inducers of Nuttin’s Motivational Induction Method were used for the explication of structural and semantic features of students’ temporal perspective. According to the results obtained, going abroad can be considered as an important motivational factor of learning English. For the most part, excellent students were characterized by desire to go abroad. That is why they have the highest number of motivational objects located in the nearest future, since living abroad is considered to be less predictable due to the lack of students’ experience of staying abroad. On the other hand, less successful students, who have more plans localized in the mature period of life, do not plan to immigrate, but strive to obtain abstractly formulated self-realization in Ukraine. Higher number of motivational objects that are peculiar to more successful respondents can be explained by their higher level of diligence, allowing them to study more effectively. On the other hand, this does not exclude greater level of cognitive complexity of the excellent students that allows them to produce greater number of motivational objects and study more successfully. The study proves that the higher is the efficiency of studying, the higher is the number of motivational objects located at the age of 25 years or older. These results prove that the respondents have clearer plans particularly for this period of their lifetime.
educational success, motivation, motivation induction, motivational object, temporal perspective, interrelation.
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