Svitlana Yalanska, Nina Atamanchuk. Psychology of Tolerant Environment Formation in Terms of the Concept “The New Ukrainian School”.

(2017) Science and education, 1, 71-75. Odessa.

Svitlana Yalanska,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
head of the Department of General, Age and Practical Psychology,
Nina Atamanchuk
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Poltava National V. G. Korolenko Pedagogical University,
2, Ostrohradskoho Str., Poltava, Ukraine,



The article deals with the issue of tolerant educational environment formation which is quite relevant in modern psychology. Today the unity of the society is possible on the grounds of tolerance, which involves the principles of peace, mercy, and mutual understanding. Thus, the development of a tolerant personality should be one of the aims of the educational process in the educational institutions of all types. The paper aims to reveal psycho-pedagogical and training means of creating tolerant educational environment, to determine the main ways of its formation in terms of the concept “The new Ukrainian school”. Tolerance of the personality is considered as kind and permissive attitude towards people and events which does not violate human rights and does no harm to the surrounding environment. It involves the following components: cognitive (knowledge about objects and life situations which are the results of the individual experience); emotional (emotional states that precede the emergence of the behavioral component contributing to the systematization of knowledge and the emergence of a certain behavioral pattern); behavioral (leads to actualization of attitudes, value orientations and ethnic values). Basing on the scientific literature review and the survey of the students a special program for the development of tolerance has been developed. It is focused on the creation of the tolerant environment, partnership interaction between the educational process participants, motivation for creative self-fulfillment, kind attitude towards other people; the development of positive thinking, necessary abilities and skills in the educational environment. The program consists of the following exercises: “Tolerance and personal development”, “Against conflicts, violence and discrimination”, “Against aggression, envy”, “Volition affords and achieving a goal”, “Way to success”, “The rules of tolerant communication”, “We are the personalities”, etc.


tolerance, tolerant environment, new Ukrainian school, students, school, psycho-pedagogical means, training.




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