Anastasiia Sannikova. Searching for Individual Differences in Experiencing Psychological Barriers.

(2017) Science and education, 1, 62-66. Odessa.

Anastasiia Sannikova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), lecturer,
Department of Solo Singing,
Odessa National Music Academy named after A. V. Nejdanova,
63, Novoselskoho Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The paper aims to present the results of the study of the individual-psychological specificity of experiencing stage barriers by performers who differ in emotional disposition. The stage barrier in the paper is understood as negatively colored intellectual, somatic, emotional and behavioral reactions and experiences that manifest themselves in inhibition, stupor, restriction of choice and in the occurrence of such subjectively insurmountable obstacles that block the stage activity, impede success and can be overcome only in the process of certain kind of psychological work. Emotionality was chosen as a psychological factor that influences the structure of the stage barrier and the specifics of its manifestations. The study of a stable proneness to stage barriers was carried out with the help of the author’s psychometric technique “Differential Diagnostics of the Propensity for Stage Barriers”, in addition, the “Four Modalities Questionnaire of Emotionality” was used. The significant differences were found with the help of Student’s t-test between the group of individuals with the domination of positive emotions of the “joy” pattern, on the one hand, and the rest of the groups with negative emotions domination – “anger”, “fear”, and “sadness”. At the same time, the manifestations of stage barriers in the three groups of individuals with the dominance of negative emotions are considered to be very similar. Therefore, emotionality also affects the specificity of stage barriers. It can be assumed that the features of the emotions that accompany stage barriers, expression, behavior, the peculiarities of their control and regulation, the choice of ways of behavior aimed at inhibiting stage barriers (and perhaps their aggravation) also are different in persons with different emotional dispositions.


emotionality, dispositions, joy, anger, fear, sadness, individual differences, psychological barrier, stage barrier.




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