Iryna Holovska, Yuliia Hrazhdyian. Psychological Conditions of Success Achievement Motivation Development of Students-Psychologists with the High Level of Internality.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 42-47. Odessa.

Iryna Holovska, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, 

Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology, 

Yuliia Hrazhdyian, 

Master-degree student, Department of Theory and Methods of 

Practical Psychology, Socio-Humanitarian Faculty, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine




This paper continues the research presented in the previous article “Impact of locus of control on the success achievement motivation of students-psychologists” and is focused on a group of students with the high level of internality and low achievement motivation. It presents an experiment that creates the psychological conditions of achievement motivation development of students with the high level of internality. The research is focused exactly on the low level of success achievement motivation with the high internality level, because the high internality level is associated with the high level of success achievement motivation. Probably, there are some factors causing the manifestation of the low level of success achievement motivation in students-psychologists with brightly expressed personal responsibility. A special technique aimed at increasing the success achievement motivation of students-psychologists with the high internality level, as well as at analyzing the dynamics of this process has been developed. The technique consisted of 10 discussion sessions on the subject “Psychological consulting” and involved 20 surveyed (4 boys and 16 girls). The sessions were divided into three units, according to which the intermediate results showing the dynamics of the development of motivation to achieve success, have been obtained. The preliminary, intermediate and final evaluation of data was carried out with the help of the following methods: a) writing as essay on the topic “My life goals. The ways I can achieve them”, b) four psychodiagnostic techniques aimed at achieving the level of internality and the level of success achievement motivation, c) analysis of motivation with the help of the model of expectations. As a result of the experiment, despite the positive dynamics, the number of students who have achieved the high level of success achievement motivation in all aspects of research is not more than 20%. A rather short duration of the experiment is considered to be one of the reasons for such results. This research should be continued in terms of searching for alternative methods for obtaining positive dynamics of success achievement motivation of students-psychologists and creating favourable psychological conditions of its development.


internality, externality, development of motivation for success achievement, orientation at success, sense, self-confidence.




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