Natalia Volodarska. Model of Life Strategies of an Individual with Impaired Health: Optimization Techniques of Practicing in Terms of the Recreational System.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 36-41. Odessa.

Natalia Volodarska,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), leading researcher of the

G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine,

2, Pankivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The issue of creating the conditions for an individual with impaired health staying in summer camps and recreational institutions requires taking into account the specificity of its emotional sphere, life strategies and adaptive capacity. That is why there is the necessity of creating psychological centres providing consultations for people with special

needs in terms of recreation. The article is aimed at determining the main psychological bases of life strategies of adolescents with impaired health, as well as the development and approbation of methods of the development of the system of life strategies in terms of recreation. The experiment involved 120 students with impaired health and 122 healthy students aged from 16 to 22. The following components of the main psychological peculiarities of life strategies of adolescents with impaired health have been distinguished: behavioural (low social activity, suspiciousness, conformity, passivity, hidden aggressiveness), emotional (increased anxiety, impressiveness, emotional instability, indecisiveness, shyness); motivational and volitional (avoiding failure, low self-esteem); cognitive (low working capacity level, increased fatigability). The general sense of purpose index of respondents with the impaired health is lower compared to healthy respondents, which is manifested in their self-distrust. The methods of life strategies development of an individual with impaired health are focused on the recovery of time line through the creation of a new story in a dialogue with others, realization of the events in the past and transforming them into biography. The following techniques aimed at the development of life strategies of adolescents with impaired health have been allocated: the method of experiencing the trauma through a dialogue, the exercise “The rope of memories”, the method “My resource and I”, the exercise “Memories on fingertips”. According to the research results, the positive changes have been noted. Thus, the applied techniques increase self-esteem, self-confidence and competence of adolescents with impaired health.


life strategy, development of personality’s life strategies, dialogue-phenomenological model of the development of individual’s life strategies components, mental trauma, crisis situations, recreational system.




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