Anastasiia Bazylenko. Psychological Training of Students’ Social Activities: the Content and Effectiveness of its Use in the Educational Process of Universities.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 16-23. Odessa.

Anastasiia Bazylenko, 

post-graduate student, 

Department of Psychology, 

“Ukraine” University,

23, Lvivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the statistical analysis and assessment of the results of implementing the program “Psycho-logical training of students’ social activities” into the educational process. As a result of the experiment, the statistically significant positive changes of the levels of social activities in general and the levels of their structural components in particular have been found in the experimental group. The implementation of the psychological training of students’ social activities was based on the systematic development of all social activities components according to the psycho-logical factors of their formation. The number of students with high and medium levels of motivational component of social activities has increased in the experimental group. Besides, the number of students with the high level of value component of social activities has in creased and at the same time, the number of students with the low level of value component of the social activities has decreased. After the experiment it has been found that the number of students with the high level of emotional and volitional component of social activities has increased and at the same time the number of students with its low level has decreased. Also, the number of students with the high level of cognitive and reflexive component of the social activities has increased and at the same time the students with the low level of this component have not been found. Finally, the number of students with the high level of operational component of social activities has increased and the number of students with its low level has decreased. The analysis of the implementation of the author’s program into the educational process of the university demonstrates its effectiveness in increasing the level of students’ social activities.


social activity, students, youth, the components of social activity, development, method, training.




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