Inna Chukhrii. Sociо-Psychological Peculiarities of Disadaptation Formation in Young People With Physical Dysfunction.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 203-210. Odessa.


Inna Chukhrii, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer, 

Department of Psychology and Social Work, 

Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, 

32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine




The article deals with the the oretical analysis of the issue of socio-psychological disadaptation of young people with physical dysfunction. A number of scientific concepts focused on the interrelation of the unfavorable individual development of a person and his/her personal disadaptation are considered. It has been found that the experience of child’s interaction with a mother or other family members, lack of communication with equals in age, problems in studying and employment may cause personal disadaptation.L. Vygotsky noted in his scientific papers that children with mental and physical disorders are eager to achieve the common growth of the development, but in a different way. He focused on the importance of pedagogical support, which, in his opinion, could transform mental disadvantages into advantages of compensation. It has been found that mother’s anxiety caused by the disorders of her child’s psychophysical development has a negative influence on the development of this child. With the introduction of inclusive education in Ukraine, a number of challenges rises, in particular, the educational process based on the principles of individualization and differentiation of teaching and education involves teacher’s awareness of individual mental and physical capabilities of every child in his/her class. The school system of evaluation and comparison of one’s own achievements and evaluations with others (which affects one’s self-esteem) is considered as the most crucial risk factor of the formation of psychological health disorders. Adolescents with physical dysfunction have a delay of mental development associated with the features of abnormal development, consequences of deprivation and hospitalism. If an adolescent attends neither secondary school, nor socio-psychological rehabilitation centre, his/her need for communicating with equals in age, including the opposite sex, will not be satisfied. It is assumed, that the disadaptation of adolescents with physical dysfunction is manifested in negative emotions, unconstructive behavioral and cognitive stereotypes, complications of communication, etc.


socio-psychological disadaptation, young person with physical dysfunction, sociability, negative emotional states, be havior.





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