Liudmyla Tsibukh. Peculiarities of the Children’s Center Psychologist’s Work with Adolescents from the Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone (Through the Example of the UCC «Moloda Hvardiia»).

(2016) Science and education, 9, 199-203. Odessa.


Liudmyla Tsibukh,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article, on the basis of the carried-out theoretical analysis, considers the influence of psycho-traumatic situations on mental and emotional state of a person, his/her behavior. The following basic manifestations of children’s and adolescents’ PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) are described: avoidance of the situations associated with the trauma; nightmares; bradyesthesia; the increased anxiousness; avoidance of communication, fears, etc. The paper is aimed at identifying the influence of staying in the ATO zone on adolescents’ psychoemotional state and selection of the corresponding methods of their emotional state correction. For identification of the current psychoemotional state of adolescents, the following techniques were used: test “Nonexistent Animal”, test “Person in the Rain”, test “Tree”, technique “Anxiety Scale”, technique “Children’s Questionnaire of Neuroses”, Harvard questionnaire. The use of these techniques at the moment of adolescents’ arriving from the ATO zone in the Ukrainian children’s center “Moloda Hvardiia” has shown that the high level of anxiousness, feeling of vulnerability, mistrust, aggression, difficulties in communication, existence of nightmares are peculiar to the respondents. To correct the negative emotional state of the adolescents who have experienced the psycho-traumatic situations, the appropriate programme aimed at decreasing the level of anxiousness, aggression, fear, as well as increasing self-confidence,  has been offered. It included interviews, role-playing and situational games, drawings, exercises on removal of muscular cramps, etc. The final test, which has been carried out after the correctional work with adolescents has identified that their current emotional state improved, proves the necessity of undertaking similar work in the children’s recreational centers with the children and adolescents who have experienced the psycho-traumatic situations.


zone of anti-terrorist operation, psycho-traumatic situations, posttraumatic stress disorder, correctional work, adolescents, Ukrainian children’s centre “Moloda Hvardiia”




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