Nataliia Khmel, Alla Shakhverdova, Olena Hrek. Psychological Support of Students’ Adapting to Studying at a University.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 193-198. Odessa.

 Nataliia Khmel, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,

Dean of the Socio-Humanitarian Faculty, 

Alla Shakhverdova, 

degree-seeking student, 

Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology, 

Olena Hrek, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, 

Department of Developmental Psychology and Social Communications, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the peculiarities of the adaptation process of first-year students to the educational process as well as the programme of psychological support for their adaptation. The following empirical methods and techniques were used in the study: observation, conversation, questioning, test of K. Rogers and R. Dymond, the questionnaire by K. Rogers, the questionnaire by O. Maklakov. The experiment involved 160 first-year students of Ushynsky University. It has been found that the predominant adaptation level among the respondents is low and medium, which speaks for longer period of adaptation. The adaptive capability of first-year students has been developed at the low and medium levels, which is manifested in unstable psyche and insufficiently developed communication skills. The indicators of moral normativity are at the low level. A special programme of psychological support of first-year students’ adaptation process has been set up. It consists of three units: psychodiagnostic (system diagnostics of students’ adaptedness at different stages of their studying), consultive (psycho-pedagogical support of junior students), correctional and developmental (conducting trainings with first-year students who have adaptation problems) and prophylactic. Besides, a training aimed at increasing the success rate of first-year students’ adaptation to the educational process, has been developed. It is focused on the development of the ability for self-determination, self-confidence, positive self-attitude, self-worth, the ability to interact with others. It consists of 10 lessons designed for 15-20 students (lasting for 90-120 minutes), each of which provides 3 creative tasks and professional simulations. According to the research results, the positive dynamics in the development of psychological adaptedness has been observed. The number of students with thelow level of adaptedness has decreased and the number of students with the high level of adaptedness has increased.


adaptation, adaptedness, youth, psychological support, educational environment. 




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