Mariia Fedorova. Structural Characteristics of Senior Preschoolers’ Moral Values.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 188-192. Odessa.

 Mariia Fedorova, 

(PhD) Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, 

Department of Preschool Education and Pedagogical Innovations, 

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,

40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the peculiarities of moral values formation of children of senior preschool age. The author highlights the main features, content and structure of moral values, which are considered as semantic formations fixed in the consciousness of an individual. Moral values are based on unconditional acceptance of human beings, justice, mercy, understanding of one’s responsibility for one’s well-being; moral values are manifested through deeds that help harmonize the relationship between the individual and the society. The main pedagogical conditions of moral values upbringing are the following: the basis of education is the approval of the value of the human, social environment should be an example of virtuous activity and stimulate the child; moral education is carried out in integrity with intellectual and aesthetic education; in the educational process, it is important to develop not only the moral consciousness and behaviour but also moral sentiments and motives for deeds. The review of the scientific literature has made it possible to formulate the definition of the concept “moral values of senior preschoolers”: partially conscious, unstable formations based on emotional and evaluative attitude to the other person’s needs to communicate, which summarize views on relationships on the basis of justice, humanity, responsibility, dignity manifested mainly in adaptive behaviour and rules set by adults. The structure of senior preschoolers’moral values includes the cognitive, emotional and activity components. The cognitive component of moral values involves self-development and adoption of moral concepts, the development of “internal moral instances”, elementary reflection of the internal plan of action, the ethical evaluation. The emotional component implies the development of emotional and evaluative attitude towards people, moral feelings, spiritual needs, the capacity for empathy, development of motives for moral behaviour. The activity component includes the formation of moral behaviour abilities and accumulation of relevant experience, the ability to make moral choices, the development of voluntary, behavior self-regulation.


moral values, moral values of senior preschoolers, mechanisms of personality development, cognitive component of moral values, emotional component of moral values, activity component of moral values.





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