Aliona Tarasenko. Structural and Functional Review of Responsibility: Searching for Determinants.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 169-174. Odessa.

 Aliona Tarasenko, 

post-graduate student, 

Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the phenomenon of responsibility as a basic quality of an individual. The mentioned issue is covered not only by psychology, but also philosophy, ethics, education and other sciences. The issue of individual responsibility is considered in the following aspects: from the prospective of moral, social, both internal and external manifestations of research quality of responsibility. The basic structural components of individual responsibility are the following: motivational, emotional, cognitive, dynamic, regulatory and efficient. Social and personal types of responsibility are considered as one of the main issues of psychology of responsibility, and areregarded as the correlation between personal and social responsibility. The real relations between an individual and the society have a contradictory character which is the objective base of individual’s responsibility to the society. The inner responsibility of a personality is extremely important for his/her behaviour and thoughts, i.e. self-control, self-esteem, self-management. It is understood as a personal mechanism of the necessity implementation, which is carried out as the assumption of the external necessity and its transformation into inner one. That is why, the inner necessity is the higher level of responsibility. Being the integrated system quality, it can be studied only through the scientific review of those systems, which are associated with a person, and common factors to which his/her behaviour and life conform. Some psychologists are sure that responsibility should be understood not as a complex of different components and manifestations, but an integrated formation, a new quality. It should be assessed in every concrete case in a different way because of its complex character marked by many scholars studying this phenomenon.


responsibility, social responsibility, morals, quality of responsibility, structure of responsibility.





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