Yuliia Sidenko. Objectification of Archetypal-Perinatal Symbols in Psychodrawings.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 154-161. Odessa.

Yuliia Sidenko,

post-graduate student,

Department of Depth Psychocorrection and Psychosocial Rehabilitation,

The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,

81, Shevchenko Boulevard, Cherkasy, Ukraine



The specificity of deep cognition in its orientation at functional features of the unconscious (which is expressed in an image) involves the necessity for applying visualised means (drawings in particular), which provides opportunities for objectification and studying the phenomenon of an archetype. The paper outlines the new ways of studying the cate-gory of an archetype in the psychodynamic paradigm, particularly in its applied aspects, which is reflected in theses by the member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine T. Yatsenko. Thus, the use of the visualised means in the process of active psychosocial cognition (APSC) offers a challenge of deep studying of perinatal factors and their manifestations in archetypal symbols. The most effective method of APSC is deep analysis of a set of topic-based drawings (30-35 topics), which facilitates objectification of system-based order of the psyche. The archetypal-perinatal symbols are considered to be significant in symbolisation process and in the extent, to which individual’s psyche is determined by the very perinatal factors. The author demonstrates the role of visualisation in objectification of the unconscious determinants of individual’s psyche and their archetypal nature when interpreting the symbols depicted in a drawing, and points out at the importance of deep psychological correction for a future psychologist as an important factor of preparation for future work. An archetype objectifies both general and subjectively personal information that reflects individual uniqueness of the psyche of APSC participant. It has been proven that visualised self-representatives act as mediators only in case they are “revived” in a conversation of a psychologist with a respondent. Archetypal symbols specify latently hidden oedipal motives of behaviour. Also, the author introduces and substantiates the necessity for changing the concept “Oedipus complex” into “oedipal dependence”. Archetypal-perinatal symbols include umbilical cord, turtle, shell, spiral, etc. The paper emphasises the importance of the perinatal period, which is represented in psychodrawings and artworks.


archetype, archetypal-perinatal symbols, oedipal dependence, instinct, the unconscious, psychodynamic paradigm, psychodrawing, the conscious, a symbol, the system of defense mechanisms.




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