Svitlana Sytnik. Features of Interpersonal Interaction of Children in Recreation Period.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 148-153. Odessa.

Svitlana Sytnik,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, 

Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The article examines the psychological characteristics of children’s interpersonal interaction from the childhood to the youth age. Building interpersonal relationships is the significant condition for the development of a personality in different age periods. The essential opportunities for this development are formed at the time of children’s staying at recreational institutions. It is the adolescence when interpersonal interaction has such a great influence on the formation of the personality. An adolescent learns the principles of collaboration, mutual help, risk for the sake of the other by means of interpersonal interaction. The communication of adolescents becomes deeper, more meaningful; such forms of interaction as friendship and love emerge. They master the gender roles, social standards and values with the help of it. In this period, interpersonal interaction has the following three forms: intimate and personal; spontaneous group; socially-focused. As a result of the empirical research, the peculiarities of adolescents’ interpersonal interaction by means of the technique “Q-sort testing technique” by W. Stephenson have been determined. This method made it possible to focus on the behavioural tendencies of an adolescent in a group: dependence –independence; sociability –unsociability; taking struggle – avoiding struggle. Consideration of these tendencies provides the opportunity for educators to improve the interpersonal interaction of adolescents in the recreational period, create the conditions for the correction of negative manifestations in it. The determination of the personal grounds of the interaction helps to provide personal approach in the educational work, aimed at the development of the adolescents’ communication sphere. Such tendencies as sociability, independence contribute to the interpersonal interaction. “Taking struggle – avoiding struggle” can either improve or worsen it, depending on a situation and people involved in it. Adolescents, successfully interacting with one another, are characterized as sociable, kind, emotionally stable, self-confident, independent, brave, etc. Unsuccessful adolescents can be described as shy, indecisive, dependent from a group, anxious.


interpersonal communication, personality traits, recreation, individual psychological characteristics, communication.




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