Tetiana Svatenkova. Importance of the Comprehensive Training Work of a Practical Psychologist with Temporary Child Group at Recreational Organizations.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 135-140. Odessa.

Tetiana Svatenkova,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer,

Department of General and Practical Psychology,

Nizhyn Gogol State University,

2,Hrafska Str., Nizhyn, Ukraine




 In terms of the dynamics of the current economic and social processes, the pressure on school students is constantly increasing, so they need a good rest. The issue of recreation and proper rest of children is effectively solved by children’s camps. But in summer, it is important to not only meet the challenges of rehabilitation and recreation for children, but also the organization of psychological assistance to them in solving urgent problems of adaptation to a temporary group at a camp, improving communication skills, increasing self-esteem and self-actualization. Therefore, the organization of the psychologist’s work at a children’s recreation camp is becoming more and more important. A significant aspect of the systematic and purposeful constructive interaction of a psychologist with a group of children at a children’s camp is psychological training. Two psychological training programs have been developed taking into account age peculiarities, social features of the development and main occupation of children. The practical work was performed during a month and involved 77 children aged from 6 to 17 years. The method of sociomertic questioning (on the third day after the arrival of children and on the twelfth day of staying at a camp) was used in order to assess the efficiency of the carried out training. The work in a group of 7-9-year-old children was focused on the adaptation in a new team, overcoming stress and fear, teaching skills of self-control and emotions expression. The work with 10-13-year-old children was aimed at improving their communication skills, adequate self-expression, etc. 14-17-year-old adolescents’ training was focused on the mastering of leadership qualities, self-realization and self-determination. The experiment results have shown that 46 children have positive changes, which confirms the efficiency of the carried out psychological training. Most of the surveyed successfully adapted in their groups at the camp and improved their self-esteem. Thus, the experiment has proved the importance of a practical psychologists’ work at children’s camps.


temporary children’s group, group dynamics, self-knowledge, self-realization, self-determination, self-control, communicative competence, self-regulation, constructive cooperation.




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