Vira Pomyluiko. Way to Maturity through Life Crises of Adulthood.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 117-123. Odessa.

Vira Pomyluiko, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), doctoral student, 

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,

9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine




The article deals with the theoretical review of personality’ age crises in adulthood, allocation of positive and negative characteristics of the main adulthood crises. The following crisis types have been distinguished: crisis of becoming an adult (20-23 years); youth crisis (27-33); middle-age crisis (39-45); maturity crisis (55-65 years). The first type of crisis “self-realization” is the first normative crisis of a human being, which has the following positive characteristics: self-pride, skills of self-control, desire for independence, optimism; and the following negative symptoms: impatience, hypocrisy, envy, greed, etc. It is possible to overcome this crisis by personally-centered approach to an individual, by receiving another degree at the background of professional crisis, by search for good friends and life partner. The youth crisis is considered as reassessment of life attitudes, values, self-search. Positive symptoms: the necessity of achieving new goals, striving for stability, political activity, etc. Negative characteristics: social isolation, desire for loneliness, depression, selfishness. One can overcome this crisis by means of searching for new opportunities to reach the potential. Adulthood is characterized by the middle-age crisis–recognition. Positive features: critical reassessment of one’s life and its sense, satisfaction with life. Negative features: the absence of project of life, worsening of health, realization of ageing. The development of creative abilities, reconsideration of life values and goals can help to over-come this crisis. The last crisis (maturity crisis) is associated with the retirement, the assessment of “vita peracta”. Positive symptoms: high social achievements, sharing the experience with youth. Negative characteristics: change of a social status, death of close friends and relatives. One should accept his/her life journey as it is, taking part in social activities, etc. to overcome it. Thus, the reconsidering of life goals and life orientations occupies the central position in the description of the adulthood period crises, which is regarded as the common characteristics for all types of crises.


age crises, branches of the development, adulthood, experiencing, types of life crises, frustration.





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