Кaterуna Miliutinа. Impact of Informal Activities on Socialization of Adolescents with Visual Impairment.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 111-117. Odessa.

Кaterуna Miliutinа, 

Doctor of Psychology, professor, 

Department of Developmental Psychology, 

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,

2, Hlushkova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



 The article is aimed at revealing the difference of socialization of children with visual impairment and the level of the influence of club activities on the success of their social adaptation. The research method complex includes the following diagnostic techniques: the constructive drawing of the person by means of geometrical figures (TIGER), a technique of diagnostics of social and psychological adaptation by Rogers-Dymond, a technique of level of social frustration by L. Wasserman, Spielberg’s technique –determination of level of anxiousness, a multi-level personal questionnaire “Adaptability” (MLPQ-A). The study involved 71 adolescents: 32 respondents with visual impairment and 38 school students without any physical disorders.13 adolescents with visual impairment were engaged to informal activities (the work of a psychological club) and formed the experimental group. The indicator of satisfaction with one’s health and working capacity in children with visual impairments has been revealed for the following characteristics: adaptability, self-perception, acceptance, emotional conformity, communication potential and behaviour regulation. The results obtained with the constructive drawing method confirmed the statistical data and made it possible to characterize adolescents with visual impairments to a great extent. The level manifestation of moral normativity indicator is common for both groups of the surveyed; it shows the right perception of one’s place and role in a group. This characteristics correlates authentically with the satisfaction with life in children with visual impairment. Thus, it can be assumed that in a comfort communication zone, among the adolescents with the same characteristic, participants of the experimental group feel more comfortable. The adolescents from the control group are characterized as self-sufficient, emotionally stable, they tend to be strict towards themselves and others. In the experimental group, the type “initiator” or socalled dreamer, is a predominant one. The drawings of adolescents from the experimental group seem to be undone, which reflects the specificity of reactive states. However, it is just a hypothesis, one needs to carry out the detailed research not just in the sphere of psychology, but also psychiatry to prove it. Adolescents with visual impairment draw in a unique way: their pictures are placed in the upper left part of the sheet, and their pictures are small or medium as a rule. Thus, this feature shows the tendency for psychological escape from reality in the world of fantasy. The participation in informal education contributes to the development of the ability for adaptation, better self-perception, emotional conformity and communication potential in adolescents with visual impairment.


self-assessment, self-concept, adaptation, informal education, psychological club.




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