Inna Mazokha. Aggression as a Factor of Personality’s Conflict Behaviour.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 99-104. Odessa.

Inna Mazokha, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, 

Head of the Department of General and Practical Psychology, 

Izmail State University of Humanities,

12, Riepina Str., Izmail, Ukraine 



The paper outlines peculiarities of conflict behaviour in individuals characterised by high and low levels of proneness to aggression. The concepts “proneness to conflict” and “aggression” have been revealed. The approaches to substantiating the factors affecting conflict behaviour forms and their development have been analysed; their subjective determinants have been distinguished. It has been proven theoretically that conflict behaviour is formed under the impact of a great number of factors, i.e. it depends on personal qualities. There have been distinguished objective and subjective factors of proneness to conflict; the latter include aggression, susceptibility, dominance, suspicion, some features of temperament, etc. The empirical study presented in the paper involved 50 students from Izmail State Univer-sity of Humanities aged from 18 to 22 years. In order to study the integral index of aggression, “The Inventory of Quality Indicators of Aggression” developed with O. Sannikova as a coauthor and supervisor has been used. According to the level of aggression expression, two groups of the surveyed were distinguished: with highest and lowest values of the integral index of aggression. The analysis of personality’s factor structure in the distinguished groups has made it possible to specify and describe psychological profile of a typical representative of each group. For example, individuals with high level of aggression are prone to conflict, insistent, choleric; they cannot stand competition, do not come under influence of other people, and treat them with prejudice. They assert their rights for independence; do not depend on anybody; act in a brave, energetic and active

manner, which may be demonstrated by proneness to conflict. Individuals with low level of aggression are characterised by tolerance, patience, high self-control, stability – they show no proneness to conflict. Therefore, it has been empirically proven that conflict behaviour is caused by aggression.


conflict behaviour, aggression, factors, qualitative analysis, personality factors by R. Cattell.




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