Lesya Lymar. Characteristics of the Regulation Component of School Medical Personnel’s Readiness for Interaction with Children.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 93-98. Odessa.

Lesya Lymar

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer, 

Foreign Languages Department, Bogomolets National Medical University,

13, Shevchenko Boulevard, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article is dedicated to analysis of characteristics of regulation component of the school medical personnel’s readiness for interaction with children, studied with the Medical university students who worked with children in schools or summer camps. The author supposes that the predisposing factors for the successful functioning of the medical personnel at school depend on the establishing of the emotional contact with children, which is stipulated by the readiness for the productive interaction. The article contains the description of the regulation component, specifies methods used for its detection in young medical specialists and the subsequent data analysis. According to the survey of 334 medical students, just one third of them showed the high level of psychological readiness for interaction with children, 9.6% of the surveyed demonstrated the low level. The author analyses the results obtained and gives recommendations on necessary correction.


school medical personnel, readiness, regulation, interaction, children.





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