Olena Kostiunina. Professional Identity of Recreational Institution Educators: New Research Opportunities.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 84-92. Odessa.

 Olena Kostiunina,

 post-graduate student,

Department of Developmental Psychology and Social Communications,

 South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

 4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine






The article deals with the study of new opportunities and prognostic value of professional identity of educators working at recreational institutions. The issue of professional identity of an educator is complicated by the absence of the integral “professional image” and criterion for determining the concept “successful educator of a recreational in stitution”. Different forms of professional identity together with social challenges and tasks require new methods of research. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of narrative, discursive and projective approaches, which make it possible to consider these methods as one of the most preferred directions of studying the issue of professional identity of recreational institution educators. The original diagnostic method – discursive graphic test (DGT) – has been described in the paper. When developing this technique, the scientific ideas of N. Rauch de Traubenberg, V. Kalinenko, A. Crisi in the area of validation and practical use of The Wartegg Zeichen Test, studies of S. Dzhaneryan, V. Serkin, P. Yanshin were taken into account. The DGT was developed as an extended modification of The Wartegg Zeichen Test with the adding of colour and symbol structure, correlated with personal emotional characteristics of respondents. The DGT has made it possible to examine the respondents’ state at the level of cognitive presentation, to describe the character of self-presentation and at the same time to analyze emotional self-attitude, sense of self, the level of psychological readiness, emotional maturity level, professional orientation, etc. It has been concluded that the DGT can be used for predicting the success in the job of a recreational institution educator, as well as for determining the level of psychological and emotional maturity, the state of professional identity. Besides, the developed technique can be used for examining individual’s real psychoemotional state. The approbation of the DGT was carried out at “Moloda Hvardiia” Ukrainian recreational centre.


professional identity, educator, recreational institution, discursive and graphic technique, vision of a profession.




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