Tetiana Kolomiiets. Development of Empathic Interpersonal Interaction in Adolescence.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 77-84. Odessa.

Tetiana Kolomiiets, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), teaching assistant, 

Department of Social and Applied Psychology, 

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,

40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article is devoted to consideration of empathic interpersonal interaction as a particular form of implementation of human-centered relationships. The author’s program of psychological assistance for the development of empathic interpersonal interaction in adolescence is presented. There have been theoretically grounded its structure (consisting of four blocks: “The development of empathy”, “The development of different types of empathic interaction”, “Reflection of one’s own experience” and “Transferring of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in real life”) and methods (including mini lectures, demonstration of short films with pronounced empathogenic situation, video fixation of emotional response, group discussion (thematic, biographical and interactive), brainstorming, game dramatization techniques, case studies, written self-reports). The program was implemented by means of the socio-psychological training. Early adolescence is the most favorable period for the development of empathic interpersonal interaction. The latter is provided by the purposeful psychological impact on the persona. l qualities and characteristics of an adolescent that contribute to the increase of the integrated empathy level (actualizing empathic attitude, development of decentration, anticipation, reflection, alterocentrism, etc.) on the one hand and the adolescents’ awareness of the consequences of different types of empathic behavior, on the other. The basic results of approbation of the program are presented. The effectiveness of the development of empathic interpersonal interaction by means of group and individual psychological correction has been proved. The statistically significant changes in indicators of integrated empathy (their growth) as well as interrupted (decrease of the frequency of manifestations) and subjective-centered (increase of the frequency of manifestations) empathy interaction have been found. In the analysis of gender differences in male adolescents from the experimental group, some significant changes in indicators of altruistic interaction (increase of the frequency of its manifestations) have been noticed. The postponed effect of the program, which was manifested in the further reducing of the number of interrupted empathic interactions and the growing of altruistic ones, was observed.


empathic interpersonal interaction, the program facilitating the development of empathic interpersonal interaction, socio-psychological training, formative experiment, adolescence.





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