Nataliia Ivanova. Religious Motives and Forms of Masochism Manifestation according to the Psychodynamic Paradigm.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 69-77. Odessa.

Nataliia Ivanova,


Department of Depth Correction and Psychosocial Rehabilitation,

The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,

81, Shevchenko Boulevard,Cherkasy, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of masochism in terms of the psychodynamic theory, which is focused on a holistic knowledge of the psyche in its conscious and unconscious aspects. Special attention is paid to the research of internal (unconscious) determinants causing proneness to masochism associated with Oedipus period. Oedipus factors make the unity of an individual with libido objects impossible, which results in the inferiority complex, guilt and willingness to self-punishment. The latter is manifested in destructive forms of behaviour, which involve the phenomenon of masochism. Its peculiarity is the combination of the opposite trends: the ability to obey and be obeyed, the desire to live forever and commit a suicide. There are bonds between masochism and self-deprivation. The relation between religious belief and tendency to self-punishment is caused by unconscious guilt, which is associated with the image of the crucifixion and other similar symbols. Masochism in religion provides release from stress (dissatisfaction), due to infirmity, inferiority and humiliation. There are contradictions between the tendency towards living and the tendency towards dying. The tendency for psychological death in the psyche of a believer is reflected in the sense of sinfulness and guilt leading to masochism manifestation in religion. Various religious groups as a specific form of masochism have been considered in the paper. Masochistic tendencies in religious belief cause the rejection of oneself, one’s desires and impulses, which are replaced by the values declared by the religion. It has been concluded that Oedipus dependence causes the phenomenon of a victim.


active psychosocial cognition (APSC), profound knowledge, Oedipus dependence, masochism, guilt, psychodynamic theory, religion, religious groups, self-deprivation, self-punishment, the tendency for “psychological death”.





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