Larysa Zhuravlova, Vitaliia Luchkiv. Study of Assertive Behavior Strategies in Recreation.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 59-63. Odessa.

Larysa Zhuravlova, 

Doctor (hab) of Psychology, professor, 

Dean of Socio-Psychological Faculty, 

Head of the Department of Social and Practical Psychology, 

Vitaliia Luchkiv, 

post-graduate student, Department of Social and Practical Psychology, 

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,

40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the features of children’s assertive behavior strategies in the environment of recreational summer camps. The following experimental criteria of the levels of empathy attitudes and corresponding assertive behavior strategies have been determined: positive or negative attitude of an individual to the other person; passive or active reactions to the empathy situation, stability of these reactions; functioning of relevant psychological mechanisms (empathy attitudes, emotional contagion and emotional identification, personal and moral reflection, humanistic attitudes, including willingness to assistance, decentration and anticipation). Different behavioral strategies in interpersonal interactions are based on relevant empathy relations. Anti-empathy and indifferent relations are the part of the indifferently-aggressive behavior strategy. This behavior strategy of schoolchildren is characterized by efficient and stable negative attitude towards others, which is manifested in indifference and aggressiveness. The modality of experiencing interaction by an individual is considered to be dissonant. Egocentric assertive behavior strategy is based on empathy (the other person is considered as a stimulus of his/her own selfish feelings). Subject centric strategy of assertiveness is conditioned by positive attitude towards the other person, which is manifested in sympathy. Prosocial assertive strategy is manifested in passive - efficient (passive empathy attitudes: simulation of helping behavior) or active-efficient (real assistance without any detriment of oneself) behavior. Assertiveness of these persons is developed at the level of personal quality. Altruistic (subject - effective) assertive strategy of behavior is represented by the highest (altruistic) level of the empathy attitudes (assistance to the detriment of oneself). The angular Fisher transformation for the comparison of indicators obtained by means of the carried out experiment and testing has not found significant differences between them. Recreational conditions in a children’s summer camp are facilitative for the researching of the empathy determination of assertiveness and studying of the relevant assertive strategies by means of the natural experiment.


assertiveness, assertive behavior, assertive strategies, empathy, integrated empathy, empathy attitudes, recreational conditions.




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