Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Maryna Buriak, Natalia Skachkova. Peculiarities of Emotional State of Women with Different Types of Attitude Towards their Children.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 52-58. Odessa.

Tetiana Dehtiarenko,

Doctor of Medicine, professor, Department of Biology and Health Care,

Maryna Buriak,

post-graduate student, Department of Psychology,

Natalia Skachkova,

practical psychologistof children’s sanatorium ,

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The review of the current state of scientific development of the issue of motherhood makes it possible to conclude that its phenomenology is multi-component and its components should be studied in the concept of individually-typological features of a mother’s personality. Motherhood is one of the leading social female roles; social norms and values have a decisive influence on the manifestation of the maternal attitude towards a child. The emotional state of a mother is significantly affected by the psycho-physiological development of a child, which is why the studying of the peculiarities of mental and emotional state of women with different types of their attitude towards their children is paticularly relevant and appropriate. The selection of adequate methods of psychological testing for the empirical study of the maternal attitude type (test “Figures” by V. Brutman, G. Filippova and I. Khamitova) and the peculiarities of mental and emotional state of mothers according to the symptoms of depression (questionnaire by A. Beck), indicators of situational and personal anxiety (scale by Ch. Spielberger & Yu. Khanin) and the level of neuroticism (express-diagnostics of neuroticism by K. Kheck and Kh. Khess), has been performed. The study involved 81 women (mothers). The inter-pretation of the results according to the questionnaire by A. Beck (aiming to reveal the state of depression in women) has shown that 31 mothers (38%) are in the state of deep depression, 42 women (52%) are characterized by minor signs of depression, and 8 women (10%) are characterized by normal state. The analysis of the obtained results has shown the following: the low level of situational and personal anxiety was determined in 17% of mothers and 15%, respectively; the moderate level of situational and personal anxiety was revealed in 52% and 53% of the surveyed, respectively; the high level of situational and personal anxiety was determined in 31% and 32% of mothers, respectively. The resultsobtained by means of the express-diagnostics of neuroticism by K. Kheck and Kh. Khess have revealed the following: the vast majority of mothers have the high level of neuroticism (55 women, which is 68%); 26 women (32%) have the low level of neuroticism.



maternal attitude, emotional state, formed, anxious, ignoring type.



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