Yuliia Diachenko. Methodological Support of Organizing Recreation and Rehabilitation for Children of Senior Preschool Age with Kyphotic Posture at Educational Institutions.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 43-47. Odessa.

Yuliia Diachenko,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education), senior lecturer,
Department of Biomedical Bases of Physical Culture,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko,
87, Romenskaia Str., Sumy, Ukraine



During the period of senior preschool age, the foundations of future health are formed; this period is characterized by the development of morphofunctional maturing and the formation of prominent characteristics of child’s personality. Vertebral deformity in sagittal plane is the most common pathology of musculoskeletal system among children. Atpresent, there is an objective need for substantiating preventive, recreational and rehabilitation activity at educational institutions with the aim of implementing the methods of children’s health recovery and reduction of orthopedic pathol￾ogy advance. The aim of the paper is to substantiate theoretical and methodological basis for recreational and rehabilita￾tion work with children of senior preschool age having kyphotic posture at educational institutions. At the beginning of their studies at school, 54% of children have disorders of the functional status of various body systems; in Ukraine, every fourth child has posture disorders, scoliosis is diagnosed in 6 children out of 1000. For the first time in Ukraine, compulsory preschool education for 5-year-old children is implemented, which makes it possible to affect the process of children’s growth and development. In most cases, children with orthopedic pathology need comprehensive rehabilita￾tion, however, taking regular preventive measures is the prerequisite for preventing further progression of the disease. The programme of physical rehabilitation for children with kyphotic posture should be based on preliminary anthropo￾metric and functional examinations. The main target of doing physical correctional and preventive exercises is the de￾velopment of strength endurance of extensor muscles of the trunk and the back in all the regions as well as pectoral muscles stretching. The programme should be based on compliance with the basic elements of daily living activities with the use of correctional and preventive elements in the process of doing physical exercises, morning exercises, P.T. breaks and exercises after awakening. 


children, preventative measures, physical rehabilitation, kyphotic posture, senior preschool age.




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