Oleksii Holovchenko. Optimization of Students’ Individual Work when Studying the Subject “Physical Educa-tion”.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 19-24. Odessa.

Oleksii Holovchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sport),
associate professor, Department of Human Health and Physical Rehabilitation,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko,
87, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



Scientific literature review shows that the issue of the development of independence as students’ personal quality and their individual work is constantly in the centre of native and foreign scientists’ attention. The reorganization of the educational process on the basis of developmental pedagogy is aimed at early detection and the fullest fulfillment of the potential (capabilities) of young people, taking into account their age and psychological characteristics. Today, it has been proven that free choice and independence in decision-making contributes to the active involvement of students into the process of physical self-improvement, to their more severe requirements for themselves. However, the conditions for the development of independence at physical culture classes are understudied. Consequently, the aim of the paper is to develop a method for optimizing the students’ individual work when studying the subject “Physical Education”. In order to achieve the aim of the research, the following research methods were used: method of formal self-record for estimating motion activity (Framingham method), A. Pirogova’s method of estimating physical state index. The study involved examination of 92 students of 1-4 years of study at the Institute of Pedagogy and Practical Psychology on the basis of Sumy State Peda￾gogical University named after A. S. Makarenko. During the study period, the students had to estimate the index of physi￾cal state and the level of motion activity. The developed method of optimizing students’ individual work when studying the subject “Physical Education” was based on individual approach to interest in the students’ own physical condition. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been proven (28.7%). The efficiency of performing individual work on the sub￾ject “Physical Education” has been evaluated: prior to the implementation of the proposed method, the efficiency of indi￾vidual work performance amounted to 34.6 ± 1.32%, while afterwards it increased by 28.7% (63.3 ± 1.46%). 


physical education, students, individual work, motion activity.




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