Konstantin Bondarenko, Mariya Palashenko, Irina Nazarenko, Olga Zaharchenko. Structure of Training Activity of Swimmers Based on the Functional Status of Skeletal Mus-cles.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 12-82. Odessa.

Konstantin Bondarenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport,
Mariya Palashenko,
Master of Pedagogy, teacher of Physical Education and Sport,
Irina Nazarenko,
senior lecturer in Physical Education and Sport,
Olga Zaharchenko,
teacher of Physical Education and Sport,
Gomel Fr. Skaryna State University,
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus



The article deals with the peculiarities of the behavioral reactions of swimmers’ skeletal muscles depending on the character of the physical load while doing the repeated actions and upon lapse of recovery time. With the help of the maximum load of the main muscle groups responsible for the biodynamics of stroking, there have been determined the criteria of the rational amount of repetitions both in a series of exercises and the amount of series repetition in a workout session. Besides, the time periods contributing to the recovery of the skeletal muscles functioning after the completed physical load have been revealed. By means of the method of damped oscillations (myometrium) the parameters of the state of skeletal muscle tone at rest and in the process of the repeated doing of exercises have been identified. The revealed range of skeletal muscles’ elasticity and stiffness made it possible to determine the timing parameters of muscle loading and recovery, responsible for the effectiveness of doing special exercises by swimmers. In addition, the influence of the development of physical fitness level on the effectiveness of doing specific exercises has been defined. The indices of changes in the level of physical fitness and special preparedness when applying exercises appropriate for the functional state of skeletal muscles within the annual training cycle have been determined. In the process of carrying out the ascertaining experiment the common factors in the organization and planning of the training means both in a single session, micro- and mesocycles have been found. The revealed regularities made it possible to plan the training cycle taking into account biomechanical characteristics of the neuromuscular system functioning. Within the framework of the common periodization it was proposed to divide the annual training cycle into stages, depending on the problems faced by athletes, level of physical fitness and time components of the perception of physical load by body functional systems. The carried out experiment has confirmed the hypothesis that the application of the structure of the training load basing on the adequate perception of physical exercises by skeletal muscles improves the physical fitness, functional state and working capacity of sportsmen.


skeletal muscle, flexibility, power potential, efficiency.




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