Liudmyla Shuba. Theoretical and methodical bases of studying the subject “sport pedagogical perfection” at the faculty of physical culture.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 182-188. Odessa.

Liudmyla Shuba,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Physical Culture and Sports Administration,
Zaporozhye National Technical University,
64, Zhukovskoho Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine 



 The article is aimed at presenting the developed technique of conducting lessons on the subject “Sport pedagogical perfection” for 17-20-year-old female students using different kinds of fitness workouts and considering their individual peculiarities, such as type of body build, level of physical fitness and somatic health. Depending on these peculiarities there have been planned the physical loads according to the type of exercises, workout intensity, the amount of repetitions, the frequency and duration of workouts, rest pauses, number and sequence of exercises. The repetitive, series and interval methods have been implemented into the development of the technique. “Sport pedagogical perfection” is one of the main subjects at the faculty of Physical Culture. It involves studying basic concepts and terms, which reveal the peculiarities of professional activities and skills of future pedagogues and coaches in the sphere of physical culture; contributes to the absorbing of theoretical and applied data in the field of teaching and coaching, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills aiming at using sport pedagogical perfection at educational institutions. The pedagogical experiment involved the following physical exercises: angled position, sitting position, push-ups, hip abduction and KrausWeber Minimum Test. The research results show the efficiency of the developed technique, which is confirmed by the increased results of doing the above mentioned physical exercises of 17-20-year-old female students. The technique can be used not only for the subject “Sport pedagogical perfection” at the faculties of Physical Culture and Sports but also “Physical Education” for all faculties and specialties at different educational institutions.


 technique, fitness workout, set of exercises, sport pedagogical perfection, female students.




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