Viktoriia Shuba. Innovative pedagogical ways of the development of 16-17-year-old boys’ strength by means of wall climbing.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 176-181. Odessa.

Viktoriia Shuba,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,
Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports,
10, Naberezhna Peremohy Str., Dnipro, Ukraine  



 The article deals with the developed technique of developing 16-17-year-old boys’ strength by means of wall climbing. Nowadays scholars and pedagogues studying the issues of wall climbing are interested in new methods and means of teaching and training. Wall climbing is considered to be a kind of sports and active leisure at the same time. The comparing of mountain and wall climbing shows that wall climbing is more comfortable and safe for unskilled climbers. Besides, wall climbing has the following advantages: a great number of different routes, high level of safety, convenient location. Climbing is not only an interesting activity for children, but also a health-promoting kind of sports, because it smoothly develops all types of muscles, strengthens bands, develops spatial thinking, improves movements and reaction.  The structure of stages, methods, principles and forms of extracurricular lessons organization on the basis of wall climbing has been presented in the paper. The study involved 32 boys divided into control and experimental groups. The following methods have been used: the review of the scientific literature, questioning of 16-17-year-old boys, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing (chinup, hanging, wrist flexion, wrist dynamometry, etc.), methods of mathematical statistics. The technique involves a set of exercises using a climbing wall performed by the surveyed during the extracurricular time. The results of the experiment have confirmed the efficiency of the developed technique aimed at the development of 16-17-year-old boys’ strength.


 sport climbing, senior school, physical education, strength, motivation, preparedness




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