Mykhailo Khoroshukha, Liudmyla Levytska, Olena Omelchuk. Quick test of assessing somatic health of people with musculoskeletal disorders.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 169-175. Odessa.

Mykhailo Khoroshukha,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), Doctor of Pedagogy,
associate professor, private professor,
Liudmyla Levytska,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Olena Omelchuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
Pirohova str. 9, Kyiv, Ukraine



 The article deals with the issue of assessing the level of physical health of people with musculoskeletal disorders. The formalized scale of rapid assessment of somatic health of the above mentioned people developed by the author has been presented and described in the paper. It has no analogues in the CIS countries and far abroad. The closest analogue of this test is the express method of the quantitation of the somatic health level according to the reserves of bioenergetics of healthy people of all ages developed by G. Apanasenko in 1992. The research aiming at determining the efficiency of the quick test of assessing somatic health of people with musculoskeletal disorders involved 800 persons (men and women) at the age from 18 to 35 years: 460 students of the University «Ukraine», 146 students of Brovary College, 27 members of Brovary natural human healing city club, 57 workers, as well as 3 patients with musculoskeletal disorders. As the result of the research some positive changes in the dynamics of indices of physical health of this category of people have been detected. It has been proved that this method is reasonable for using during mass preventive examinations of people with musculoskeletal disorders.


 health, assessment, musculoskeletal disorders, students, adults.




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