Olha Skyba. Role of educational process orientation at young athletes’ adaptive capacity at youth sports schools.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 163-169. Odessa.

Olha Skyba,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Biomedical Bases of Physical Culture,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko,
87, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



 The issue of health preservation and promotion in the younger generation is considered as a factor of the state’s national safety, and it still remains a high-priority task in the social programme for society development. It is also known that contemporary level of sports achievements is usually associated with forced intensive physical exercise, which does not correspond to age-specific developmental peculiarities of functional capacity of children’s body, so the risk of somatic pathology increases. Prenosological approach to the evaluation of health state provides an opportunity to examine larger groups of children, to create databases with corresponding indicators (morphofunctional, psychological, psycho-physiological, etc.), which makes it possible to observe their changes under the influence of environmental factors, including physical exercise. Creating an efficient control system is the way to preserve younger generation’s health. The paper is aimed at identifying physiological and hygienic aspects of premorbid states in young athletes under conditions of different orientation of the training process. The following research methods were used: anthropometric, functional, mathematical and statistical. Under the influence of specific physical exercise, the increasing number of children with satisfactory adaptation was observed –4.36±1.01% compared to the initial values (p<0.05). The results of evaluation of child’s body adaptive capacity depending on the kind of sports demonstrates significant increase in the number of young athletes with satisfactory adaptation only among those ones who are engaged in cyclic sports (+5.23±1.10%, p<0.05). Similar changes were observed for the indicators of physical capacity, which are characterized by increased number of children engaged in cyclic sports with high level of it at the end of the year (+6.51±1.22%, p<0.001). It has been determined that the representatives of combat and complex coordination sports were characterized by the greatest number of cases of adaptation failure both at the beginning (6.02±1.18% and 4.59±1.04% correspondingly) and at the end of the academic year (7.63±1.32% and 5.26±1.11% correspondingly), which indicates regulatory systems exhaustion and inefficiency of the defense and adaptation mechanisms of a child’s body. Thus, the indicators of adaptive capacity and physical performance determine the efficiency of the young athletes’ training activities in various kinds of sports, as long as they serve as prognostic criteria for the development of functional systems maladaptation as a result of adaptive mechanisms exhaustion and disturbance, which, in its turn, prevents children from achieving top sporting results. 


 prenosological diagnostics, premorbid states, adaptive capacity, physical performance, early sports specialization, prevention, athletes. 




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