Sytnyk O. A., Recreation therapist’s contribution to the formation of health-saving educational environment.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 158-162. Odessa.

Olha Sytnyk,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Physical Rehabilitation,
Sumy State University,
2, Rymsky-Korsakov Str., Sumy, Ukraine



 People’s health is considered to be the main value for any state. The educational system should be a powerful source for the development of a healthy nation, but unfortunately according to the Medical Statistics Centre data Ukrainian school students’ health is critically poor. That is why the primary task of modern science and education is the development of new health-saving technologies and the perfection of existing ones. In order to improve the situation some researchers suggest taking different pedagogical, psychological, health-improving and medical measures. In this aspect highly-qualified workers, among which a recreation therapist is one of the most important ones, are necessary. The article is aimed at proving the importance of a recreation therapist in the process of health-saving educational environment formation. In the target social program “Healthy Nation” the state provides the improvement of the system of training future recreational therapists by pedagogical and medical universities. A recreational therapist can provide the examination determining the level of functional disorders, develop individual rehabilitation programs, provide rehabilitation treatment, evaluate its efficiency and implement the necessary changes in the developed activities. The basic means of physical rehabilitation are remedial gymnastics, massage, physiotherapy, etc. All these means should be actively implemented in the health-saving educational environment of an educational institution. A recreation therapist working for an educational institution develops methods for using physical exercises in case of locomotor, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, sensory or nervous systems disorders, teaches students how to do self-massage, consult students and organizes recreational campaigns. These activities contribute to the formation of the culture of healthy living and create conditions for the development of a healthy nation.


 physical rehabilitation, recreation therapist, physiotherapy, health-saving, rehabilitation programs, educational institution. 




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