Konstantin Bondarenko, Aleksandr Madzharov, Alla Bondarenko. Optimizing the Means of Training Handball Players Based on Functional Status of Skeletal Mus-cles.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 5-11. Odessa.

Konstantin Bondarenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport,
Aleksandr Madzharov,
senior lecturer, Department of Sports Disciplines,
Alla Bondarenko
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Gomel State University named after F. Skorina, 1
04, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus



The paper describes the main peculiarities of planning the annual cycle for training qualified female handball players under conditions of intense training and competitions. The main aspects of organizing and planning the structure of training loads in the annual cycle based on the parameters of skeletal muscles’ immediate and long-term adaptation for doing special exercises have been outlined. Muscle groups’ behavioural responses that determine the effectiveness of competition exercises in the course of doing them with maximum load have been described. Heterochronism of appropriate accommodation of skeletal muscles to physical exercise have been determined; it has become the basis for the scheme of proportioning the training means in micro-cycles. The mode of doing special exercises for female handball players as well as time parameters of recovery of skeletal muscles tone, their elasticity and strength have been mentioned. Based on the generally accepted periodization, the structure of annual cycle of training female handball players has been offered; the latter is based on percentage ratio of training means in micro- and mesocycles, characteristics of qualitative and quantitative indicators, accommodation of skeletal muscles to physical action. The parameters of interrelations between the indicators of mechanical toning of skeletal muscles identified in the absence volitional strain (the state of rest) and the parameters of physical performance (movement rate, effectiveness of cooperation with partners) have been outlined. The dependence of the effectiveness of muscular performance that affects the “possibility to accumulate elastic strain energy in the mechanism of mechanical power recuperation in the process of movement” on technical activity performance by female handball players (the accuracy of handling and effective goal shot) has been discovered. The annual cycle of training female handball players has been divided into periods depending on the task of a certain stage, the level of physical preparedness and temporal components of accommodation of body’s functional systems to physical exercise. The percentage ratio of performing the exercises aimed at general physical training and special exercises depending on their influence and heterochronism of accommodation have been offered. The research done and results obtained have made it possible to prove the hypothesis of the work and to observe that the data on viscoelastic behavior of skeletal muscles can be used as efficiency criteria for managing the process of training athletes. The revealed regularities of skeletal muscles’ accommodation to training loads and competitions have made it possible to increase the level of physical and functional capacity of female athletes’ body 


skeletal muscles, muscle tone, elasticity, stiffness, functional status, training stages.




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