(2016) Science and education, 2-3, str. Odessa.

Oksana Porada,
senior lecturer,
Department of Physical Culture and Sports Administration,
Zaporozhye National Technical University,
64, Zhukovskaho Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine 



 Nowadays the Ukrainian economy, culture, society and science are gradually joining global innovative processes aimed at the integration of the country into the world sociocultural community. However this process faces a lot of problems associated with the changes in the economic paradigm, insufficient staffing, etc. Due to this, the issue of for￾mation and balancing of human resources is considered to be urgent today. The article is aimed at generalizing the re￾sults of studies devoted to the modern labor market and defining the aspects controlled by the higher educational institu￾tions. The review of the scientific literature makes it possible to distinguish the following problems at modern labor market of university graduates: inconsistency between employers’ requirements and graduates’ qualification level, between graduates’ expectations and reality; the problem of competitiveness for good job positions, the problem of youth unemployment, the crisis in the sphere of higher education, unpractical career guidance of young people. Besides, the problem of prompt response of higher educational institutions to demands of labor market is considered to be rele￾vant as well. The inconsistency of the educational level of graduates to the requirements of the labor market as well as the demands of consumers and employers demonstrates the global crisis of higher education in Ukraine. It is higher education which is the most important factor in the formation of the new economy, and is the basis for the harmonious inclusion of a person into the multicultural environment. That is why the searching for the appropriate forms and ap￾proaches to training future professionals, which will contribute to their development, and implementing them into the educational process will help to increase their competitiveness at the labor market.


 employment assistance of university graduates, labor market, university graduates’ competitiveness, training, criteria of applicants selection.




 1. Korobchuk,, T. I. (2006). Formuvannia ta re￾huliuvannia rynku pratsi fakhivtsiv z vyshchoiu osvitoiu v ekonomitsi Ukrainy [Formation and regulation of labor market of professionals with higher economic education in Ukraine]. Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
2. Vishnevskaya, L. A. (2001). Formirvanie sistemy trudoustroystva vypusknikov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy v perekhodnoy ekonomike [Formation of the employment assistance system for graduates of higher educational institutions in transforming economics]. Can￾didate’s thesis. Saint Petersburg [in Russian].
3. Karpets, V. A. (2006). Trudoustroystvo vypuskni￾kov vuzov kak sotsialnyy protsess [Employment assis￾tance of graduates as a social process]. Candidate’s thesis [in Russian].
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5. Tamirov, K. A. (2001). Adaptatsiya vypusknikov vuzov na rynke truda [Adaptation of higher educational institutions graduates at the labor market]. Candidate’s thesis. Moscow [in Russian].
6. Stebliuk, N. F. (2010). Pidhotovka fakhivtsiv z vyshchoiu osvitoiu v umovakh pidvyshchennia znachush￾chosti znannievoho resursu [Training professionals with higher education in terms of increasing their value]. Re￾trieved from: www.economy.nayka.com.ua [in Ukraini￾an].
7. Borisova, O. V. (2009). Konkurentosposobnost vypusknikov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy na rynke truda [Higher educational institutions graduates’ competi￾tiveness at the labor market]. Candidate’s thesis. Omsk [in Russian].
8. Skachkova, L. S. (2011). Adaptatsionnoe povedenie molodykh spetsialistov na rynke truda: kontseptsiya, faktory, instrumentariy [Adaptive behavior of young professionals at the labor market: concept, fac￾tors, tools]. Candidate’s thesis. Rostov-na-Donu [in Rus￾sian].




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