(2016) Science and education, 8, 102-106. Odessa.

Hanna Latina,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Biomedical Bases of Physical Culture,
Training and Research Institute of Physical Culture,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko,
93, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



One of the most common diseases among the population of Ukraine is obesity, which is confirmed by the World Health Organization that announced global epidemic of obesity at the beginning of the XXI century. Moreover, the investigations show that Ukrainian schoolchildren are characterized by poor functional adaptation to physical exercise with insufficient level of training and low level of heart functional capacity. For this very reason, the highest level of morbidity and chronic pathology is observed among schoolchildren and adolescents. One of the solutions to the prob￾lems in the Ukrainian children’s health state is implementation of preventive measures at schools. The aim of the paper is to determine the level of preventive orientation of physical education for 10-14-year-old children with obesity on the basis of integrated assessment. The integrated assessment procedure involved evaluation of three components: sports and fitness performance of a schoolchild, the state of his/her motion activity and physical development. The results were classified according to three levels: below 0.91 points the level of preventive orientation of physical education of overweight children was determined as low; 0.92 to 1.39 points indicated the average level and the level of above 1.4 points was considered as high. The study involved 280 schoolchildren aged 6-17 years studying at D. Turbin Sumy State Comprehensive School No.15. According to the research results, it has been concluded that physical development of the majority of schoolchildren is harmonious (54.6±2.4%, p<0.001); the rest of the children were characterized by disharmony in the form of underweight (33.8±2.3%) and overweight (11.5±1.5%). The age-dependent tendency to weight gain in children aged 10-14 years (in particular, boys) was observed, which is conditioned by the decrease of their motion activity (63.64±1.69%). Thus, despite the fact that schoolchildren’s motion activity out of school is insuffi￾cient, preventive orientation of physical education for overweight children aged 10-14 years corresponds to the average level (62.8±1.56%, p<0.001), which indicates the sufficient level of recreational activities at educational institutions. 


preventive physical education, obesity, physical activity, pupils.




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