(2016) Science and education, 8, 85-92. Odessa.

Iryna Kozhurina,
post-graduate student, Department of Defectology and Physical Rehabilitation,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The issue of students’ healthy lifestyle remains topical for the Ukrainian system of physical education. One of the essential factors of students’ healthy lifestyle is regular exercises appropriate to gender, age and health status. The rele￾vance of the research paper is determined by the fact that the issues of planning health-improving programme based on individual performance and physical fitness of students are an important aspect of improving the efficiency of physical education as a whole. This paper is aimed at studying the effectiveness of the program on health-improving physical education and its impact on physical fitness and functional status of students. The author describes modes of students’ motion activity. The impact of walking on functional systems of the body is considered and five main types of walking speed are specified. It is determined that the identified linear forms of dependence of the level of physical fitness, success and health status of students make it possible to calculate various options of motor and health-improving workload depending on the certain levels of the relevant indicators. As part of this research paper, the author proposed a program that provides an opportunity to keep records of individual and group’s indicators of physical condition, physical fitness and physical and mental activity of students, to explore the dynamics of the relevant changes, to search quantitative relations of individual characteristics of the body’s capabilities and to receive recommendations on the scope and inten￾sity of motor loads for each student. The model oriented at a student as the subject of healthy lifestyle and personal physical development is proposed. The results obtained involve the implementation of the developed methodology in the educational process of experimental groups that will contribute to a significant increase in the rates of physical con￾dition and personal physical development. 


health-improving programme, health-improving walking, students’ physical fitness, somatic health, individu￾al load.




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