(2016) Science and education, 8, 52-57. Odessa.

Hanna Zhara,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Biological Bases of Physical Education and Sports,
Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. Shevchenko,
53, Hetmana Polubotka, Chernihiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of teachers’ health in terms of individual health-saving competence formation. This competence is a supersystem formation, which, on the one hand, includes a series of general and subject (professional) competencies inherent in the subject area “Education”, and on the other hand, is itself a system of competences with a clear structure. Besides, there have been justified the forms and methods of teaching with the help of which the imple￾mentation of the content of future teachers’ individual health-saving competence at all stages of training in educational levels “Bachelor” and “Master” is carried out. The content of individual teachers’ health-saving competence is imple￾mented gradually in the process of educational and extracurricular work with the students during the entire period of Bachelor and Master training. The study of scientific disciplines which provide valeological education of future teach￾ers makes it possible to form the above mentioned competence when using the purposeful methodical approach. The article also presents the structure and content of educational disciplines programs which directly or indirectly form the following components of students’ individual health-saving competence: psycho-physiological, emotional and sensual, mental, interpersonal (socially conscious), collectively-creative, inter-collective (social-hierarchical) and worldview. This is facilitated by the integrated use of modern innovative forms of teaching (interactive lecture, modelling, introduc￾tion to the event, distance learning, inverted training, socio-educational training, facilitation training, and social project). In accordance with them there have been selected active and interactive teaching methods (brainstorming, simulation, role-playing games, design-projects); recovery methods (physical culture and dynamic pauses, breathing exercises, self￾massage, the analysis of “health cards”); methods of vital activity regulation (self-diagnosis of health and diseases, autogenous training, self-suggesting, physical and mental self-control, verbal self-control, visualization, emotional “re￾set” or emotional “pause”), psychotherapeutic methods (colour therapy, light therapy, music therapy, animal therapy, body and dance therapy). Implementation of specially developed means (special courses of training, teaching materials, differentiated exercises, individual psycho-valeological and psycho-systematic counselling) contributes to the process of future teachers’ individual health-saving competence formation. 


teacher’s health, individual health-saving competence, innovative forms and methods of teaching, pro￾fessional training, future teacher, Bachelor, Master.




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