Iryna Vare. Self-Attitude of Students-Psychologists with Different Levels of Value Orientations Maturity.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 44-51. Odessa.

Iryna Vare,
post-graduate student,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankovska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Balanced positive self-attitude of a psychologist is an important psychological condition for his/her efficient interaction with counselees. The study of this phenomenon, the revealing of its place in the process of personal development is an urgent problem of modern personality psychology. The article is aimed at presenting theoretical and empirical results of researching self-attitude of future psychologists with different levels of value orientations maturity. With the help of the correlation analysis it has been found that the peculiarities of self-attitude of 1-5 th year students with the high level of value orientations maturity lie in the following: a) 1st year students are characterized by high self-esteem, they are able to accept criticism, have positive self-attitude, but in critical situations are prone to underestimate their own achievements; b) 2nd year students demonstrate self-belief which helps them to overcome difficulties; c) 3-4th year students consider themselves to be the coordinators of their development, they are fair and are able to control different Психологія – Психология – Psychology "Наука і освіта", №7, 2016 51 emotional reactions and criticism. Future psychologists with the low level of value orientations maturity are described as follows: a) 1st year students reveal the peculiarities of self-attitude depending on the level of the adjustment to a situation, they are also characterized by the defensiveness; b) 2nd and 3rd year students always show their self-confidence and judge other people, trying to blame them in every difficult situation; c) 4-5 th year students have very high selfesteem, but they tend to deny their own guilt in conflict situations and problems. Thus, the level of value orientations maturity and the peculiarities of self-attitude are the factors of the professional development of a psychologist that determine the success of his/her career. 


value orientations, self-attitude, students-psychologists, self-confidence, self-worth.




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