Olena Khartsyi, Tetiana Perevozna, Serhii Lubenets. Preparing Future Specialists for Efficient Administration.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 40-44. Odessa.

Olena Khartsyi,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological University), associate professor,
Tetiana Perevozna,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological University), associate professor,
Serhii Lubenets,
PhD (Candidate of Technical Sciences), associate professor,
Kharkiv State Academy of Culture,
4, Bursatskyi descent, Kharkiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of preparing future organization managers for administrative activity. The study is aimed at revealing the level of future managers’ personal qualities, finding the ways of preparing them for administration. The experiment involved 198 students, who were divided into control (98 students) and experimental groups (100 students). The surveyed were of the same age and studied at the same departments. The students from the experimental group were taught systemically and the ones from the control group studied just some aspects of science considering the development of future managers’ creative thinking. The results of the comparative analysis of two assessments have shown that the groups of students had different levels of personal and creative components maturity. It has been found that a good manager should have the following skills: creative, entrepreneurial, communicative and the ability to make decisions. The creative skills of managers are manifested in the psychological potential of their personality, the search for problem-based situations in the system of administration and the independency in decision making. The use of the creative approach to the administration is one of the main characteristics of a good manager. It helps to find the effective solutions and behavior patterns in new situations, to overcome the stereotype thinking and make new original decisions. Besides, the success of managers’ activity also depends on the kind and level of their administration experience and skills. The influence of the creative potential on the efficiency of administration has been experimentally proved.


efficiency of administrative activity, the creative, a creative component of the person, creative potential.




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